Meet Our Speakers
Elsa Raynor, LCSW, CT
Oncology Social Worker
- CINDY Bertuch Rosencrans Life Expressions Program since 2011: Provides
services to meet the emotional, personal, educational and logistical needs
of individuals and their families at all phases of diagnosis and treatment,
with an emphasis on supporting the end-oflife process.
- Bachelor’s degree: Psychology, Florida Atlantic University, Boca
Raton, Fla.
- Master’s degree: Social Work, Florida International University, Miami, Fla.
- Certification: Thanatology
Julie Katz, MSW, LCSW, APHSW-C
Oncology Social Worker
- Charles Levitetz Advanced Symptom Support and Individualized Care (CLASSIC) Program
- Bachelor’s degree: Social Science, Florida Atlantic University, Boca
Raton, Fla.
- Master’s degree: Social Work, New York University Silver School of
Social Work, New York, N.Y.
- Zelda Foster Fellow: Palliative and End-of-Life Care
- Certification: Gerontology
- Certification: Advanced Palliative Care and Hospice Social Work
Media Resource
Advance Directives: Voice Your Choice
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